Information for families

Some frequently asked questions and answers

What is the cost and how do I pay?

Please contact us for a copy of our current fee schedule.

Payment for clinic-based services are to be made at the time of your appointment.  We have EFTPOS and HICAPS facilities so can process private health claims and Medicare rebates on the day.  

How long does a session go for and what will it involve? 

A typical session is 60 minutes long, with 50 minutes of face to face time and 10 minutes allowed for preparation and notes. 

Each therapy session is individualised and is based around your child’s needs, goals and interests. Formal assessment tools may be used to assess specific skill areas, or the session may have less structure and be more about information collecting through conversation and observations during play or set activities. 

Do I attend the appointment with my child?

Your attendance will be required initially for information gathering and while we are establishing a relationship with your child. Going forward, it will depend on your child’s age and their goals and is something you can discuss with your OT. 

We do encourage you to come along to sessions with a willingness to join-in.  Sometimes it’s easier to do this if you can find care for sibling/s. We find the more involved you can be in the session, the more you will take away and be able to put into place at home.

Is OT covered under Medicare?

We can see children who have a valid care plan from their GP. This will allow you to access Medicare rebates for a limited number of sessions per year, but please be aware that a gap will apply. 

Individuals with a Chronic Disease Management plan (commonly referred to as a GP plan) can claim a rebate on up to 5 allied health services per calendar year or up to 10 sessions per calendar year under a Mental Health Treatment plan. 

Not all of our therapists are endorsed to provide services under a Mental health treatment plan, so please check this with staff at the time of booking.  

Can I claim rebates through Private health?

Many private health insurance funds cover Occupational Therapy services- please contact your health fund directly to find out whether your extras cover OT. A gap will apply in most cases, with the amount varying depending on your health fund.  

My child has a NDIS plan, can you offer services for them?

Yes, we can see your child if they are self-managed or plan-managed. 

Please let us know if your child has an NDIS plan prior to your first appointment, as we will require details of your plan (NDIS number, plan dates and goals) and your plan manager’s contact to email invoices to. 

Be assured that we follow NDIS practice standards

Do you have a waitlist?

Unfortunately, yes. There is currently a high demand for Occupational Therapy and all mental health care services across the country. Please get in touch for our latest wait time estimations and to add your child onto our waitlist. 

We understand that it may be necessary for you to contact other providers, we simply ask that you let us know if you are offered services elsewhere so that we can keep our waitlist up to date.  

What happens if I need to cancel an appointment?

If you are unable to attend an appointment in the clinic, please notify us as soon as possible so that we can try to reschedule your appointment or offer an alternative service such as a phone call or telehealth session. 

When a session is cancelled at short notice our therapist has already spent time preparing your session and it is difficult to offer that space to someone else. For this reason, cancellations made within 48 hours of the session time or non-attendance of a booked session will be charged at the full rate.